Temporary Hostels Planned for 2010 Olympics

2010 Olympic organizers have set aside $250,000 to create one or more temporary hostels in the Metro Vancouver area to accommodate the expected rise in young people who plan to travel to Vancouver to be part of the big event. The hostels will have sleeping and bathroom facilities, but no kitchens or food/beverage facilities. These hostels will operate between November 15th, 2009 and March 15th, 2010. Vanoc expects there will be a need for 100 hostel beds during November, December and March, and 300 in January and 400 in February.

A request for proposals has been posted, with the deadline being June 22nd. Hotels are to be located in Vancouver or the surrounding municipalities, and the location needs to be within walking distance of direct public transit to the downtown core. The fee is yet to be determined, but downtown hostels are currently charging $31.50 a night for a dormitory bed this summer, and will charge $40 a night during the Games.